On September 30th 2020, The European Commission adopted the Communication named "A new ERA for Research and Innovation". In the past 20 years the European Research Area achieved some significant some achievements:
- 37 already implemented European Research Infrastructures (with 18 more already planned),
- over 7 billion of national investments in joint research programs since 2004;
- European Charter for Researchers, a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and EURAXESS network contributed to removing the barriers to the researchers' mobility and researcher's careers fragmentation
- improved access to scientific information through Open Science Initiative and European Open Science Cloud.
As new reality present a new challenges for European societies a renewed European Research Area should
- improve Europe's research and innovation landscape,
- accelerate the EU's transition towards climate neutrality and digital leadership,
- support its recovery from the societal and economic impact of the coronavirus crisis, and
- strengthen its resilience against future crises.
You can find a full document of the Communication here.